Fly fishing for Murray cod - The Adventure So Far | Andrew Colston
Andrew Colston has been fishing most of his life, but has recently started chasing Murray Cod on fly and is loving it!
Read moreAndrew Colston has been fishing most of his life, but has recently started chasing Murray Cod on fly and is loving it!
Read moreAfter spending time fishing out of float tubes for Aussie natives like bass, saratoga and sooty grunter, Josh Power decided he needed a shorter fly...
Read moreRene Vaz, Manic’s founder, got his start as a school kid tying flies for tackle stores. By the time he’d reached university to study fisheries biology he was working in one of those stores, writing and photographing for the leading Australasian fishing magazines, competing as the youngest member of the NZ fly fishing team and teaching fly casting on the rugby field close to his house.
You could say at that point his future in fly fishing was set in stone and Manic Tackle Project was already in motion.
The Manic Tackle Project blog has over ten years worth of fly fishing content and information from the best in the business to entertain, inform, and help you get the most out of your time on the water.
Seeking the best in fly fishing gear and expertise? Our team of Manic retail partners are all passionate and experienced fly fanatics, ready and waiting to help you on your fly fishing journey.
Once you start to see the world in the context of fishing, everything changes.